Ein cyf/Our ref:

Eich cyf/Your ref:


Ty Cambria / Cambria House

29 Heol Casnewydd / 29 Newport Road

Caerdydd / Cardiff

CF24 0TP


Ebost/Email: tim.england@cyfoethnaturiolcymru.gov.uk



David J Rowlands AM
Chair of Petitions Committee

National Assembly for Wales

Cardiff Bay

CF99 1NA


By email: SeneddPetitions@Assembly.Wales


8 March 2019


Dear David,


P-05-801 Save the trees and ground in Roath Mill and Roath Brook Gardens before it's too late


Thank you very much for your letter of 4 March 2019.


I can confirm that we are reconsidering the delivery options for Phase 3 as a stand-alone scheme, with potentially a new business case that will need the approval of the Welsh Government.


The current indicative timescale for completing a draft Business Case for a reassessed scheme is Novemebr 2019.   Please note that this is an idicative timescale, as there are currently some unknowns with regard to the scope of the reassessment. 


We are arranging an all Stakeholder meeting, which will include all parties with an interest in the scheme, for late March/early April which will inform the options to be consdiered/reassessed.


Once finalised, the Business Case will be scored and prioritised accordingly within the flood capital programme and used as appropriate to apply for Welsh Governement funding.



Yours sincerely,



Tim England

Operation Manager

Natural Resources Wales